Details Price Qty
2025 Ravenna Chamber Membershow details + $0.00 USD  
Non-Chamber Member-Participationshow details + $50.00 USD  
Bronze Level-Sponsorshipshow details + $100.00 USD  
Silver Level Sponsorshipshow details + $200.00 USD  
Gold Level Sponsorshow details + $300.00 USD  
Platinum Level Sponsorshow details + $500.00 USD  

  • Ravenna on Display -Business Expo
     March 1, 2025
     10:00 am - 2:00 pm The Ravenna Area Chamber of Commerce will be bringing back the Ravenna on Display-Business Expo. ALL businesses, community groups, and non-profits are invited to show off and display what they have to offer. This is a great way to get some additional knowledge and education on what Ravenna has going on. We are offering a FREE Complimentary space at the business expo to ALL 2025 Ravenna Chamber Members that have paid their dues by February 20, 2025. We also are offering some additional sponsorship opportunities to support and contribute to the costs that are associated in presenting this show. We also are creating a scavenger hunt, where our participants will have the opportunity to participate in and once the scavenger hunt card is completed, they will be entered into a drawing for a $150 visa gift card. We will also have commercials and announcements throughout the day in regards to promoting our vendors. We are open to showcasing and demonstrating local community talents.   

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